About Us

      To be RARE means to not occur often, not be found in large numbers, and as a result of that, is of high interest or value. According to the urban dictionary, a rarebreed is a special person that stands out from everyone (they don’t fit in… “OUTFITTER”). They outshine everyone around them and are destined for greatness. Rarebreeds are usually beautiful and are unique in style and fashion. But the general definition of a rarebreed involves livestock and we are not animals, we are humans. Unfortunately, there are enough people in this world who get treated like animals everyday and this is why we are looking to change people’s hearts and touch their SOUL. With that being said, the name RARE SOUL OUTFITTERS was established.

       This brand was created to visually reachmotivate, and inspire others to be a light in this dark world. Where most people try to fit in, be that RARE SOUL who is not afraid to STAND OUT. Use your inner light to shine unapologetically and make a difference. As the good quote says, “we must be the change that we wish to see in the world.”

       Remember, by wearing RARE SOUL OUTFITTERS you are showing your avid support for the brand and what we stand for. We hope that this movement moves you in a way that it becomes a reflection of you and that our light will help ignite yours!

Remember, if you don’t feel like you fit in, it’s because you were BORN TO STAND OUT!